Monday, December 17, 2012

It's All About The Dress

Since I am practically attached at the hip with both Twitter and my Google Reader (a.k.a. the only reason I manage to at least scan 28 different blogs once every one to two days) I see a lot of photos of "fashion." But coming across a photo (runway, street style, editorial) of a beautiful woman in a fantastic dress always gets me.

Those tend to be some of the photos that stick with me most. I find myself wanting to go back and look at them time and time again. Usually I'll end up asking a friend, "Did you see that dress Gwenyth wore last night??" I guess the gowns just have more impact than, let's say...pants.

But I digress. Here are just a few of the gowns that have wowed me in recent memory.

Jason Wu Spring 2013 RTW

This is not a dress. This IS the starry night sky.

Blake Lively in Zuhair Murad

This happened over the summer. I might have been speechless. There is nothing about this that isn't perfect.

Allison Williams in Naheem Khan Spring 2013

The proof is in the puddin', people. You can indeed cover up 85-90% of your body and still look sexy as hell. And did you know that Allison here is the daughter of news anchor and personality, Brian Williams? I learned this today.

Jamie Beck in Rae Francis / Kelly Framel in White + Warren

There are technically two dresses here. But they are a package deal, in my humble opinion. Jamie and Kelly (two of my most favorite bloggers that just happen to be best friends) are here shown gallivanting around Paris in the rain looking just fabulous.  These girls are about the only two who could pull off coordinating or matching outfits. And they do it well too.

image via The Sartorialist

I know this isn't really a dress, but a shirt-skirt combo. I had to include it anyway because 1) It's the same concept and 2) I had a similar reaction the first time I saw this photo as I did the previous four photos. The woman in this photo is the epitome of comfort AND chic. ALL AT ONCE. From the ballet flats to the stretch of the skirt to the cut of her tank top, this is a woman who knows how to dress with practicality and style.

I believe the reason I am so enamored with this photo is that this is what I aim for my personal style to be. Because I know me. I know that I will complain if I am uncomfortable or cold. I will wish I put flats in my bag every time. So I love to witness someone perfect the art of balancing comfort and style.

I want to know about your favorite dress moments. Tell me in the comments!